When it comes to postpartum care, mothers deserve better.
As a healthcare practitioner, you have an opportunity to fill the gap in support available for moms. Together, we can raise the standard of postpartum care across Canada.

You don’t have to be a mom to treat moms. But as a chiropractor, physiotherapist or fitness professional, your formal education failed to prepare you to give the required level of care to postpartum women.
We’re here to take your practice to the next level.
By becoming a GROWCO-certified professional, you will learn the hands-on skills that have a real impact on women’s health, and be equipped to provide a vital healthcare service that doesn’t exist outside of this seminar.

Grow Your Practice as a GrowCo Ambassador
Every day, GrowCo ambassadors across the country are changing the face of women’s health and having a real impact on the long-term wellbeing of mothers.
After attending our GrowCo seminar, you have the chance to apply for our ambassador program and become part of an influential tribe of highly-trained doctors who have partnered together to level up their practices and raise the standard of postpartum care across the country.
GrowCo ambassadors add a new revenue stream to their business worth thousands by implementing our rehab based programs for post partum women. As an ambassador, you’ll gain exclusive access to our private Facebook group where you’ll receive our programming, branding and social media copy + content, and access to future seminars and our online streaming portal.